Articles by Dr Shradha
Note: If you are interested in any of these articles, please do get in touch with us.
Research Projects
- In Vitro Study of the tensile strength of various suture materials-2009.
- Comparison of 2 different bone graft materials for ridge augmentation after implant placement- July 2008
- Study on the effect of tobacco on the Population- Jan 2008.
- Detailed study on the effects of periodontal disease on pregnancy- June 2007.
- Co relation study on the oral health of a mother and child- Sept 2006.
- “Redefining Lasers in Periodontics” in the Dental Voice, March April 2007.
- “Tooth Brush Disinfection-Is your tooth brush making you sick?” In the Journal of the Indian Dental association (JIDA), October 2007.
- “Forced Eruption: A Case Report”. In the D.Y.Patil College magazine.
- “Crown Lengthening” in the Dental Dialogue, Vol XXXIII, No 3, Page No. 87, July-Sept 2007.
- “Gingival Depigmentation-A Case Report” in the Dental Voice, Page no 2, Nov-Dec 2008.
- “Immediate extraction implant placement- a case report” in the Journal of Pierre Fauchad, Vol 23, Page 100 in Sept 2009.
- “Interdisciplinary Management of an anterior aesthetic restoration” in the Journal of Clinical Dentistry, Page 46-50, January 2010.
Scientific Presentations
- “Ridge Augmentation- A Review” on 17th& 18th November 2008 at the 33rd ISP Conference in Chandigargh.
- “Maxillary Sinus Lift- A Review” from November 6th to 9th 2008 at the IDA state Conference in Navi Mumbai.
- “Compromised length and Width!! Still a Hurdle in Implant Dentistry?” from 6thto 9th November 2008 at IDA states Conference in Navi Mumbai.
- 1st prize for paper titled “Compromised length and Width!! Still a Hurdle in Implant Dentistry?” presented at ISP-MSG at GDC Mumbai, on 27th 28th September 2008.
- Consolation prize for poster titled “Forced Eruption- A Case Report” at . Perio Pulse II of DY.Patil, Pimpri on 18th & 19th September 2008.
- 2nd prize for paper titled “Crown Lengthening- A Case Series” at the 6th World Zoroastrian Dental Congress in Lonavala from 12thto 14th September 2008.
- 1st prize for paper titled “Crown Lengthening- A Case Series” at the 6th World Zoroastrian Dental Congress in Lonavala from 12thto 14th September 2008.
- “Periodontal Vaccines- A Dream or Reality”- ISP Essay competition 2008.
- 1st prize for poster titled “Treatment of Furcation Involvements” at . Fahrenheit 2008 (Intercollegiate Festival of D.Y.Patil) on 19th January 2008.
- 1st prize for paper titled “Immediate extraction Implant- A case report” at Fahrenheit 2008. (Intercollegiate Festival of D.Y.Patil). from 18th-20th January, 2008
- “Crown Lengthening: A case Series” at the 32nd Conference of the Indian Society of Periodontology in Davangere from 28th to 30thDecember 2007.
- 1st prize for paper titled “Ataumatic tooth extraction combined with alveolar ridge preservation for implant site development” on December 20th, 2007 at Sub Zero(Annual intra college event of Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital).
- “Ataumatic tooth extraction combined with alveolar ridge preservation for implant site development” at 46th Maharashhtra State Dental Conference in Mahabaleshwar from November 30thto December2nd2007.
- “Difficulties Encountered in Periodontal Research”- ISP Essay competition 2007.
- 2nd prize for paper titled “A case report of orthodontic extrusion with supracrestal fiberotomy.” on 7th February 2007 at ENDEAVOURS of Harmony07’ at Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai.
- 3rd prize for poster titled “Treatment of Gingival Enlargements” from 6th-9th February, 2007 at ENDEAVOURS of Harmony07’ at Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai.
- “ Demonstration of Electrocautery in Periodontics.” From January 31st to February 3rd 2007 at Fahrenheit 2007. (Annual inter college event of Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital).
- “Treatment of Gingival Enlargements “ from January 31st to February 3rd 2007 at Fahrenheit 2007 (Annual inter college event of Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital).
- “A case report of orthodontic extrusion with supracrestal fiberotomy” at Matrix 2007 (Annual intra college event of Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital).
- “A Comparative Evaluation of Two Gingivoplasty Techniques” at IDC Conference, pune from January 4thto 7th 2007.
- “Root today, tooth tomorrow.” At IDC Conference, Pune from January 4th to 7th, 2007.
- “Electrocautery Vs Scalpel as a Gingivoplasty Technique” the 31st Annual conference Indian Society of Periodontology in Pune. From December 7th to 10th 2006.
- 1st prize for poster titled “Gene Therapy in Periodontal Disease” at Indian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy conference in Mahabaleshwar from November 3rd to 5th 2006.
- “Root today, Tooth tomorrow” at The Famdent Show 2006 from September 29th to 1st October 2006.
- “Evidence Based Periodontal Therapy”- ISP Essay competition 2006.
- “Depigmnetation: because Pink never goes out of style.”at the 14th Annual IAACD Conference in Pune from 10th to 13th August, 2006.
- “Depigmnetation: because Pink never goes out of style.”at the 14th Annual IAACD Conference in Pune from 10th to 13th August, 2006.
- “NOBEL PERFECT Groovy: A True Union of Esthetics with Biology.” At Nobel Biocare world tour in Mumbai from, 21st to 23rd April 2006.
- 1st prize for poster titled PLBW & Periodontal Disease at the 1st World Workshop in Periodontology held in Mumbai in February 2005.
- “Toothbrushes” at the FDI World Dental Conference at New Delhi from 9th to 14th September 2004.
- 1st prize for paper titled “Debunking the mercury myth” at the DYPSO - MANIA 2004, a dental conference hosted by the Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital from 30th January to 1st February.
- 3rd prize for poster titled “Backache – The Nemesis of Dentistry” at the 42nd IDA Maharashtra State Dental Conference from 20th to 23rd November 2003.
- 1st prize for paper titled “Amalgam – Poison in your Mouth?” at the 5th World Zoroastrian Dental Congress from 12th to 14th September 2003 in Mumbai.
- 1st prize for poster titled “Spinal Problems Associated with Dentistry” at the 5th World Zoroastrian Dental Congress from 12th to 14th September 2003 in Mumbai.
- “Mouthguards” at the 57th Indian Dental Conference at Kochi from 23rd to 26th January 2003.
- “Professional Hazards in Dentistry” at the 57th Indian Dental Conference at Kochi from 23rd to 26th January 2003.
- 1st prize for paper titled “Prevention of Sport related injuries” at Phoenix 2003, an intercollegiate scientific convention, held from 16 to 18th January 2003 in Mumbai, hosted by Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital.
- Consolation prize for poster titled “Denture Care” at Phoenix 2003, an intercollegiate scientific convention, held from 16 to 18th January 2003 in Mumbai, hosted by Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital.
- 1st prize for poster titled “Sports Dentistry” at the 41st Maharashtra State IDA Conference held at Thana (Mumbai) in November 2002.
- “Sports Dentistry” at the IDA Students Meet organized on the 25th of August 2002 at Nair Hospital, Mumbai.
- 2nd prize for paper titled “Fluorides in Dentistry” at D.Y.P.S.-o-mania 2001 held between 19th to 21st January 2001 at Navi Mumbai, hosted by the Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital.